Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bring It On!

I tend to express myself linguistically... my habits, Myers Briggs and tendencies all encourage this notion. Blogging goes hand in hand with these interest of mine (cue the famous Tipton novels). If you read my bio or know me personally, you know that I am currently in school working on my master's degree. As I am sure you all have heard of the Freshman 15...well let me tell you quitting smoking (Feb 20 was my last official cigarette thank you very much), stressing out (and developing anxiety apparently) have packed on the pounds! I hope I am not what one would call "fat" and if I am oh well, half of America is fat, so what. But I know that I am at a point that I am not happy with and I surely don't want to be a "fat teacher (kids are cruel!)" so over my summer break (if that is what three weeks means then that is what it was) I decided that I need to make a change. I ordered the P90 workout (and no I am not advertising it) and adjoining diet (Fat Burning Express Diet) and I am hoping to follow thru with it and reach my goal of loosing 15-20 pounds and be back where I was 7 years ago? Tiny at the age of twenty, just now at 27!

I figured being my linguistic-ness, I would record and blog about this journey. Not only am I going to be fighting this weight thing, but moving (in two weeks) and settling into a new home (pictures to follow), I will also be interning 4 days a week, working and taking two classes...the chaos is sure to be a fun ride! My hope is to enjoy this and use this blog as an outlet to make this a "fun experience" (yeah because saying no to french fries, starbucks and cheeseburgers is a grand time in itself). If all goes well maybe I will include some "BEFORE" photos. I will check in and whine about my workouts that consist of a combo of yoga, pilates, kickboxing, and straight up bootcamp style routines (which will have to take place at 5 am). I plan to use this as a place to record my progress and share my experience with this diet and the challenge of shedding these pounds! Tomorrow starts DAY ONE ....Ah to be a size two again by Christmas will be GLORIOUS!


emptynester3 said...

Good Luck! You can do it!! Maybe I will finally be inspired to do the same! I haven't seen size 2 in a long, long, time, if in fact I ever did, because back in the old days I don't think there was such a thing as a size 2. Looking forward to more Tipton Novels (and maybe a DuBois novel?)(this is Mom AKA Emptynester 3)

Anonymous said...

Saw this on facebook and just had to comment! This is a great way to track your results and keep you motivated an encouraged! You are gorgeous as is girl, but it's always nice to lose a few and firm up! i'm right there with you! I might just create a blog too, love this idea! Good luck!

Herrington Photography said...

Good for you. You can do it, Tiffany. I have a friend who gets up every weekday morning (works full time with a toddler) at 4:30 to do the workout. She is 43 and loves it. She's on week 5 now and says it's really hard, but definitely is paying off...she looks amazing. Anyhow, I wish you luck and will check back on your progress. This blog is good to keep you accountable. I'm running (and walking) my second half marathon in December and I already have a blog, but after seeing this I'm thinking about setting up a second one just to chronicle my journey/training. If I do I'll let you know so you can keep me accountable too!

Much love,

Tiffany Marie said...

Thank you for the much needed support everyone...keep reading as I am sure I will make for an interesting piece of reading!