Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day Ten

So it's Day 10....20 days until the next picture is taken, so I am expecting to have double the results, progress, feelings as I have now. Last week I was really amped up and really strict. I think I need to get that back. I am still amped up and ready for this. I just tend to take shortcuts in diet when I can or when I am pressed for time with no alternative after this hectic week of moving I am excited to get settled and back to a routine!

Today's video is my Krem de la Krem...the cardio and really there are really only particular cuss words that would accomodate one's feeling as you go through it. It starts with Power Yoga- so you start in PLANK, go down as a push upand hold the pose, then to downward dog where you spread out your feet look up and go flat on your heels then reach one leg all the way to the front into runer's pose then sit up into WARRIOR....yeah google Power Yoga Poses....I feel like a WARRIOR full of sweat at the end of doing that five times per leg. And that's just a warm up. You go into Knee lifts, jumping jacks, running in place, runner's lunges, punches, kicks, eek! But it's great when its over. Your supposed to do Ab Ripper after, but I decided that I would do Ab Ripper after scultping because I have less sweat!

Diet has been good today...shake for breakfast and then turkey sandwich with swiss on one piece of wheat from the coffee shop at school- they have healthy choices that I am excited that I have that option. Now what's for dinner? Hmmm....maybe I will get a salad to bring out to the softball field????


1 comment:

Herrington Photography said...

Just checking in....have you been able to keep up with any kind of workout with your new schedule (moving, internship, etc)? I hope so, even if you can't blog about it. Keep it up!