Friday, August 21, 2009

Day Five

Today was a very productive day. I slept in, woke up and ran my errands. I bought the Pure Protein Vanilla powder ($17.99 at Super Target for 2 lbs) and a new blender- my old blender was a poor excuse for a didn't even touch my banana the other morning! Then I came home and put together all these baby gifts-one for the shower I am going to (which I am happy with how cute it turned out), I am making a "Big Sister Hospital Bag" for my friends daughter (also my close friend's niece) and a little something for my other friend that found out she is having a boy!

I did my cardio Fat Burning Express video. I think the more and more I do these videos the better the routine is for me. This was the last of the six days to do this video. I was supplementing it into the week along with the diet for the first week...Sunday or Monday (Sunday is supposed to be my rest day, which I may just do Ab Ripper and packing boxes may be my mode of burning calories?) I will start the Sweat Video Phase 1 & 2 and work through that one every other day until I am ready to move forward to Sweat Phase 2 & 4 which I am hoping to transition to that by Day 45 at the latest. I really enjoy these videos, they are quick and they are a lot of fun. Sometimes I have found myself wanting to re-do it at night but they say not to add on to anything right away?

AM: with my new blender I made this unbelievable shake- 6 ounces of Silk Soy milk, one heaping scoop of peanut butter (1 tblsp), one scoop of the vanilla powder and one was AMAZING! I actually had it early afternoon.

Lunch: 2 cottage cheese packs with 1/2 cup of bluberries

Dinner: mixed greens (romaine, spinach and arugula) with cucumber, feta, swiss cheese, turkey, celery and honey dijon dressing

Snack- 2 packs of almonds

Granted this isn't the exact diet, it is what is on the list. With my weird work schedule I didn't follow it to a T- I kept the calorie count(thanks to my Lose It app on my Ipod that counts my calorie consumption!) the same just switched up the items.

Tomorrow is the real test...the weekend! Hopefully I will remain on my diet (the last day of this six day clean diet) and pick healthier items at the baby shower (will probably nibble but eat my stuff before).

Packing on Sunday and moving in all week! Quite excited!

Five Days down 85 to go!

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